Practice Areas

Personal Injury/Wrongful Death

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Unlike several other practice areas, personal injury litigation can be driven by emotion. Once a plaintiff has been injured or a family member has died, the plaintiffs are often angry. Plaintiffs seek not only damages, but some measure of revenge. Some even see their lawsuit as their own personal retirement plan. Accordingly, it is not uncommon for them to disregard the settlement advice of their attorney and hold out for “their day at the courthouse.” On these occasions, despite careful preparation and case evaluation efforts, a jury trial may be unavoidable.

In this type of litigation, more so than any other, it is important to be with a firm that actually tries cases. At Heard & Medack, we try cases. A firm’s reputation for picking juries and trying lawsuits is the extra leverage it brings to negotiations leading up to a settlement or possible trial. We have successfully defended clients in personal injury/wrongful death trials ranging from premise liability matters to vehicular and electrical fatalities. We bring this breadth of personal injury trial experience to every case we handle. If the case can be resolved satisfactorily, we will help you make it happen. However, if the plaintiff demands his “day in court,” we will aggressively defend the case and ethically do our best to make certain the plaintiff does not have a “good day.”